Rosebank Pupil Jobs
Please have a look at our Pupil Jobs list to find out which jobs you can apply for, job descriptions, key characteristics needed and how you can help to improve our school!
Junior Leadership Team
Junior Leadership Team members for this year are:-
Rawand, Teejay, Amira, Faizah, Harin, Esey, Sofia, Nemi, Zeshan, Rasmiya, Sara, Alyssia, Mason, Hyabiel, Saiban, Alleyah, Malika, Aro, Donia, Eva, Liora, Zaki, Fatima & Nader.
Job Description
Meet with Miss Smith at the start of the year. Look at the School Development Plan at what the teachers want to improve. Evaluate how our school is doing and come up with ideas for improvement. Write an Action Plan for how the Junior Leadership Team can help share opinions and support the school to improve learning for all children. Monitor lessons, carry out pupil interviews, feedback information to Miss Smith and the Leadership Team. Speak to School Governors and School Advisors about the quality of the education in school. Help make changes to make our school outstanding.
Key Characteristics of the Junior leadership team members:
- Role model in lessons and around school
- Ability to reflect and evaluate our school sensibly
- Ability to come up with ideas for school improvement
- Polite and courteous at all times
- Ability to write neat well written notes at meetings
- Punctual
- Well organised
- Well-mannered to all teachers, pupils and visitors
- Good empathy – able to understand other people’s feelings
- Good listener
- Value everyone’s opinion
Eco Warriors
Our Eco Warriors this year are:-
Year 1: Ira & Zayn |
Year 1/2: Sidra & Mohammed A |
Year 2: Wajihah & Jeremiah |
Year 3: Ali & Una |
Year 3/4: Reiosha & Tanish |
Year 4: Nusaybah & Gabriella |
Year 5: Kenyan & Faleh |
Year 5/6: Rasmiya & Esey |
Year 6: Wyatt & Mason |
Job Description
Our Eco Warriors ensure that the school grounds are always kept tidy and looking good. They are responsible for organising the planting and watering of plants around school. They keep track of a budget knowing how much money there is available to spend on plants during the year so our school can always look beautiful.
They make sure that the inside of school is also kept tidy and make sure children do not leave things lying on the floor. Keep lost property organised. Speak in assembly when things need improving.
Tour Guides
This year's Tour Guides are:-
Sultan, Elias, Alia, Faleh, David, Ashwin, Zainab, Tayyab & Abdullah.
Job Description
Our Tour Guides show visitors around school and interview candidates telling them information about how our school runs and what activities take place. They ask our visitors questions find out more about them Then then feedback information to SLT about what you thought about our visitors.
Reading Buddies
Our Reading Buddies for this year are:-
Menaal, Saya, Adam G, Alana, Gabriella, Zahrah, Nazy, Lakshita, Alia, Eisa, Judy & Zainab.
Job Description
Our reading buddies have an extremely important job role in helping children with their reading. They support children with sounding out, phonics and understanding books are a good friend to a younger child and encourage children to read whilst writing in children’s reading journals. Reading Buddies read stories to other children so that they can enjoy them which inspires them to continue reading. They also have meetings with Miss Fox and Miss Chippendale about how it’s going and how children are getting on.
Diversity Champions
This year's Diversity Champions are:-
Melissa, Ali, Azeesha, Ahlem, Aran & Anindita.
Playground Buddies:
Playground Buddies for this year are:-
Yad, Ayumi, Elisha, Shaheen, Isla, Azo, Daisy, Victoria, Tayyab, Layla, Hajrah, Shifa, Nazy, Rhevarna, Alana, Daniel, Jessica, Mina, Hamza & Linda.
Job Description
These children support different year groups at lunchtime and ensure all children are playing happily and making friends. They help ensure all equipment is put away at the end of lunchtime and award YBN cards to children who play fairly and include others in their games.