Rosebank Primary School

"We are all friends and together we succeed"

Safeguarding for Parents

We advise that you speak with the school in the first instance for any concerns regarding a child at Rosebank. 

Mrs. Lucy Fox is Rosebank's Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Louis Parish is Rosebank's Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Miss Holly Bradley is our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator).

These members of staff can be contacted by email or please phone the main office and ask to speak to either Miss Smith, Mr Parish or Miss Bradley. 

Emails: Mrs. Fox  Mr Parish lparish@rosebank.leeds.sch 

Miss Bradley

Tel: 0113 243 3497

Please visit our "Safeguarding Team" page to find out other members of the team who can help.

Other Child Protection Links

Children's Services - for members of the public to report a child protection concern;

Tel: 0113 222 44 03 (9am 5pm)

There is no longer an out of office hours number, so if a child is in immediate danger after 5pm, the police should be called on 999.

NSPCC - for advice for parents/carers and to report child abuse;

You might have spotted something that’s worrying you. Whatever you’re worried about, contact the NSPCC helpline. They have advice to help.

Tel: 0808 800 5000 (24/7 service)

Submit an online form by clicking here


For further information, please visit the NSPCC website: 

Useful Safeguarding Links


Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

Online Safety

Safeguarding Children

Online Safety for your child

Visit our "Online Safety" page to find out how to keep your child safe whilst online.

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a national scheme that operates jointly between schools and police forces. 

Click here to see the full leaflet.