Rosebank Primary School

"We are all friends and together we succeed"

PE/Sports Kit

This is our PE kit all children in Reception to Year 6 will wear for their sport lessons.  School will provide the orange T-Shirt free of charge.  If this is lost it can be replaced at a charge of £4.  We ask that parents provide the rest of the kit which includes shorts, leggings/jogging bottoms, a warm jumper and pumps or trainers.

Lessons can be outdoors all year round so please ensure your child has warm jogging bottoms and a jumper.

PE/Sport Bags

For those who would like them, PE kit bags can be purchased from the school office for £2.

When to wear PE Kit

On PE days, children will usually wear their uniform to school and change into their sports kit at school.  However, due to Covid, we ask that you send your KS2 child into school already wearing their PE kit on that day.  KS1 children will do PE in their school uniforms.

Year 4 Swimming

Year 4 pupils will need swim wear and a towel for weekly trips to the local swimming baths.